Hair Loss Caused by Stress: Problem Solved


Stress can affect your hair cycle, and losing your hair

can cause a lot of stress! Under most circumstances,

increased hair shedding occurs between four and

sixteen weeks after the stress trigger has occurred.

Although it is often difficult to pinpoint a specific

stress episode as the cause of your hair loss, acute and

chronic stress may precipitate hair-loss conditions such

as genetic hair loss, telogen effluvium (hair shedding)

and alopecia areata (patchy hair loss). In addition to

stress causing hair loss, hair loss undoubtedly causes

stress for the sufferer. It affects one’s self esteem and

quality of life, which in turn can cause more hair loss.

Dr. David Kingsley’s solutions for Stress Induced Hair Loss

1. Exercise.

Exercising can be very effective at relieving mild to

moderate stress and depression. You should exercise

at least three times a week for more than thirty

minutes. When you are under more stress, increase

your exercise frequency to five or six times a week. Any

exercise that you enjoy should be adequate, as long as

it increases your heart rate. Go for a walk or take yoga.

Exercise has been shown to reduce anxiety, increase

oxygen supply in the body and reduce stress-related

problems that can affect the hair cycle.

2.  Stay Flexible.

If you are too rigid with your plans, you may be putting

more stress on yourself. So stay flexible with your plans

to help reduce this type of stress.

3.  Stop Multi-‐Tasking.

Try your best to concentrate on one activity at a time.

You’ll feel less stressed and do a better job at your tasks

if you work on them individually.

4.  Get Some Sleep.

Not getting enough sleep can cause stress and

depression. Try to go to bed earlier to make sure you

get in a full 7-8 hours every night.

5.  Meditate.

Another way to help stress is to meditate. A few

minutes three to four times a week can really help

to relieve stress. A good time to meditate is after you

have exercised, when you tend to be a little tired

and can relax more easily (although don’t fall asleep

during meditation or you will lose some of its benefits).

Relaxing the mind helps your body relax and improves

both physical and mental health.

6.  Deep breathing.

While sitting, take slow deep breaths and count to five

as you inhale and five as you exhale. Repeat this three

to five times.

7.  Muscle relaxation.

While lying down, tense and then relax your arm

and leg muscles one at a time. First, clench and then

unclench your fists one at a time, relaxing your arms

on the floor. Second, lift and then lower your legs one

at a time, leaving them relaxed on the floor. Lay relaxed

for at least five minutes.

8.  Listen to Music.

While sitting, listen to gentle music (preferably music

without words). Music often helps soothe people’s

stress. Continue sitting for at least five minutes.

9.  Have a Bath.

Lie in a warm bath for a few minutes. It often helps to

relax your body’s muscles and can also help ease your


10. Positive Thoughts.

Try to think of positive life events rather than dwelling

on negative ones. Try to concentrate on something

positive you did today or something you are looking

forward to doing. Ignore any negative thoughts that

may ‘try’ to enter your mind.

11.  Talk to Someone Close.

I find that it helps to talk to someone close to you

about your hair anxieties. Often discussing your

concerns about losing or thinning hair helps to

diminish the stress that hair loss can cause.


Please call 718-698-4700 to make an appointment to see Dr. Kingsley.

©2018 British Science Corporation