What You Should Do When You Notice Hair Loss (in 5-steps)


Losing hair can not only be devastating for a person, but all the commercials you see on TV or hear on the radio can make the situation even more difficult. When people begin to notice their hair falling out, they tend to panic and not think straight. They buy anything and everything that they see advertised, with little thought to what these products do or whether they will work for their particular hair-loss condition. Then, if the product or treatment doesn’t work immediately, they will try something else until they have either exhausted all their options or spent all their money.

The bottom line to what you should do when you first notice your hair falling or thinning is to think about a strategy that makes the most sense to you and try to stick with it. Take control of your hair loss; don’t let it control you.

I have five suggestions for you to follow that may help you form a plan of action:

1. Don’t Panic!
I understand the worry that hair loss causes and the frustration that comes from trying to find the right treatment. This is why I advise you to take a step back and rationalize your condition, even though it may be hard. It is important that you don’t panic and do the wrong thing.

2. Find Out Why You Are Losing Your Hair.
Seek a specialist who seems to know what he or she is doing, and make sure you are tested for all the most common causes of hair loss, such as thyroid problems, anemia or iron deficiency (especially in women), and so forth. Even if genetic hair loss is the most obvious reason, other factors that could be contributing to your hair loss or making it worse should be explored.

Even if you find two or more causes for your hair loss, each may not be playing an equal role. For instance, it could be that 90 percent of your hair loss is genetic, while only 10 percent is say, diet. Although a specialist is unable to give exact percentages to each cause, it is still worth understanding and finding all the contributing factors, however minor they may be.

3. Treat Each of the Causes of Your Hair Loss.
Once the causes of your hair loss have been ascertained, try and correct what can be corrected, even if it only may be playing a very small role in your hair loss. For instance, taking the example I gave in the previous paragraph, if your poor diet is contributing only a small part to your hair loss, it should still be addressed. It may give you a better chance of seeing some improvement to your hair. I invariably suggest a multi-treatment approach to hair loss, as the more things you do, the faster and more likely you are to see results. Also, it makes you feel that something is being done and that you are being pro-active.

4. Be Patient Waiting for Your Treatment Regimen to Work.
This is often the most difficult thing to do, as you are losing hair and there appears no sign that the loss will stop. However, it often takes three months (sometimes up to six months) for a treatment to work. The more you change your treatment procedure before you have given it a fair chance, the more time and money you have wasted. If you are comfortable with the specialist and know that he or she has tried to find why your hair is falling out, then give that treatment program time before seeking other advice.

5. Don’t be Afraid to Wash, Color, or Style Your Hair.
The importance of cosmetically improving your hair is often understated. The bottom line for you seeking treatments for your hair loss is so that when you look in the mirror, you feel comfortable with the way your hair looks. Within reason, do whatever you need to attain this sense of well-being.

To make an appointment with Dr. David Kingsley, please call 718-698-4700 or email us using the form at the bottom of this page.

©British Science Corporation 2018