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Hair Loss Caused by Diet: Problem Solved


Your hair needs a plentiful supply of protein, energy producing

molecules (carbohydrates) and certain

vitamins and minerals for optimal growth to occur. As

the hair follicle is a nonessential tissue and, therefore,

one of the last tissues to receive nutritious substances

(or the first to have them reduced), any long-term

deficiencies may lead to premature hair loss.

Also, hair is one of the fastest-growing tissues in the

body. If you pulled together all the hair that grows

on your scalp in a month to form a single strand, the

strand would be approximately 3/4 mile or 1 kilometer

in length! Any nutritional disturbance to the hair

follicle can cause an increase in shedding and slower



Dr. David Kingsley’s solutions for Diet Induced Hair Loss:

1. Protein.

Protein is a building block for hair growth. I suggest

that you should eat at least 5 ounces (approximately

150 grams) of protein a day. You can eat protein in

many forms, including meat, chicken, fish, beans, eggs,

cheese and tofu. Because your hair is made of 80 to 95

percent protein, this is an important area of your diet.

2.  Amino acids.

Amino acids are substances that make proteins. I

suggest taking 500 milligrams of l-lysine and 250

milligrams of l-cysteine per day.

3. Carbohydrates.

Carbohydrates help supply energy for hair growth.

Glucose, a simple carbohydrate derived from more

complex carbohydrates such as fruits, vegetables,

bread, pasta and rice, is used by our cells to make

energy (called ATP). You need to eat regularly (every

four hours) to maintain adequate energy levels for your

hair follicles. I suggest you either eat six small meals

per day or have three meals supplemented with small

snacks in between.

4.  Protein/Carbohydrate Diet.

Although I suggest protein in your diet, I do not

advocate very high-protein,low-carbohydrate diets.

I believe your hair needs a balance. With too little

protein, your body may lack the raw materials to build

your hair; with too little carbohydrates, your body

may lack enough “fuel” to drive the machinery that

produces your hair.

5.  Minerals.

Iron deficiency is a major cause of hair loss especially in

women or men who are vegetarian. So if you are iron

deficient or anaemic, then taking iron could be helpful

for your hair. To find out whether you are iron deficient

or anaemic, see your physician for a blood test. Other

important minerals for healthy hair functioning are: zinc

(found in seafood and cereals), silica (found in potatoes,

red and green peppers and bean sprouts), magnesium

(found in green vegetables and nuts), and essential fatty

acids (such as omega fatty acids found in fish).

6.  Vitamins.

An adequate amount of B complex vitamins–such as

biotin (100 to 500 micrograms per day), vitamin B12

(25 to 200 micrograms per day) and folic acid (200 to

400 micrograms per day)–can help the hair. Biotin can

be found in oatmeal, egg yolk and soy; vitamin B12

in dairy, meat, and fish; and folic acid in beans, grains,

vegetables and fruit.

Vitamin D, found in milk, fish, eggs and mushrooms

may also be helpful for hair growth. Take 400-800

International Units per day.

Beware of taking too much vitamin A (in excess of

25,000 IU per day). It can cause hair loss if taken in

extremely high dosages.

7.  Lifestyle Diet.

I suggest that you follow a general lifestyle diet rather

than continually dieting as rapid weight gain or loss

can cause hair loss. This means that you should try

and eat balanced meals every day, not just when you

decide to go on a diet. Frequent (six) small meals or

three meals supplemented with regular snacks are the

best type of “lifestyle diets”.

8.  See Healthcare Provider

Consult with a knowledgeable healthcare provider

for advice about eating a balanced diet or taking


Please call 718-698-4700 to make an appointment to see Dr. Kingsley.

©2018 British Science Corporation